Quartz point cluster Raw healing stones


Quartz point cluster Raw healing stones

Found all over the world.

Healing Properties: is considered the master of all healing crystals. Enhances personal awareness and growth. Increase energy levels. Energizes and activates your Chakra’s. It amplifies the energy level of any other gemstones it touches, making an ideal crystal to use with others.

All metaphysical information provided by Hidden Jewel of the South End about gemstones / crystals is solely for spiritual purposes and should not be used for medical advice or treatment. Consult a licensed healthcare professional for any medical concerns you may have.

► All of Jewelry and healing gemstones are carefully packaged for a speedy and safe arrival and is packaged in a gift box tied with a ribbon. all our items are packaged nicely but if you would like to send as a gift, please leave us a note if you want it gift wrapped and with a card!

*Photos are copyrighted and property of Hidden Jewel and any unauthorized use is prohibited. We are proud of our ideas and originality.

Happy shopping!