Labradorite Gemstone Strands


High quality Labradorite gemstone strands vary sizes with pictures below.  Ethically sourced! Gemstone strands measure out to approximately 15 to 16 inches long. 

 ►Metaphysical Properties
This Labradorite has a nice polish and a beautiful flash. Labradorite is a crystalline form of Feldspar, often gray in composition but it's known for its "flash" or "flame" when it catches the light. (when its white, its known as moonstone) When polished, dark gray Labradorite flashes with colors deep within, including light and dark blue, green, gold, pink orange or purple. This property is known as labradoresence. Labradorite is a negative energy protector. it enhances psychic abilities and helps one to see true intentions of others. labradorite helps with healing old memories and remembering past times.

Key words: Inner awareness, Chakra healing, Empathy protection, and Goal attainment.

Chakras: all

Element: wind

Physical: Addictions, including smoking, Brain Health, Seizures, Emphysema, Eye Disorders, Metabolism, Psoriasis, Skin Infections, Stomach Problems

Emotional: Self Confidence and Self Worth

Spiritual: Aura Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Communication, Spirit and Consciousness, Cosmic Awareness, Enhancing Dreams, Meditation, k, Telepathy, Third Eye Chakra